Easter Appeal: Help support NCRLC programs & communications - Catholic Rural Life

Easter Appeal: Help support NCRLC programs & communications

Catholic Rural Life • March 21, 2013

Easter Appeal: Help support NCRLC programs & communications



The National Catholic Rural Life Conference is “sowing seeds of hope” in rural communities through the development of lay leadership groups, outreach for CCHD rural development grants, program visits to rural dioceses across the country, and expansion of our communications: NCRLC website, quarterly Catholic Rural Life magazine, faith-based study guides, and our weekly eBulletin.
In November of this year, NCRLC will mark our 90th anniversary in service to Catholic rural parishes. This has only been possible through financial support from dioceses, religious congregations and network members like you.
During the downtown in the economy, NCRLC has felt a dip in donations from bishops and dioceses. As the economy improves, we hope to regain their full support in our our programs and communications throughout the years ahead. Donations from readers like you can help make up this decline.
We are happy to say that we have attracted new members over the past couple of years. And we hope to attract a growing number of new members this year. As both new and old members have probably noticed, we have made positive changes to our web design and full-color magazine. But that just helps convey the work we do. This was graciously described by Sr. Mary Martens of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Dubuque, Iowa:
“We appreciate the work that you are doing, especially in your education and advocacy efforts in rural America. Our religious congregation shares the values which motivate your mission. We know how great the needs are, and we offer our gratitude for your work in this tangible way. We wish you God’s blessings as you continue your good efforts.” 
Sr. Mary included this note and blessing when making a donation to NCRLC. We can only hope to see more like it during our current membership appeal!
As a faith-based conference who opens membership to anyone who wants to join with us, we share our services regardless of full membership or not. This is to say, we welcome contributions large and small. We now ask everyone within our large network of contacts to join with our contributing members to keep NCRLC strong: Help make this a blessed Easter season for our Catholic rural life efforts!
Please consider an Easter donation/membership today for you or gift or tribute for a loved one.
Your generous gift this Easter season will help bring the hope of Christ to rural America. Thank you!


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