StoreIsidore and Maria Prayer Cards

Isidore and Maria Prayer Cards

The front of the card is the 4-color catalan retablo of the saints. The back is the story of Isidore and Maria:

A story often told about St. Isidore (feast day May 15) was his practice of often coming late to work in the fields because he would first attend Mass every morning. Yet his work never suffered and he always met the tasks demanded of him. His master, Squire de Vergas, decided one day to observe Isidore at his work. The squire hid himself in some bushes near the field where his laborers were working. As usual, Isidore arrived late and then began driving his oxen without forcing a hurried pace. The master’s anger soon turned to astonishment. Two angels, one on either side of Isidore, appeared and joined their faithful companion in plowing the fields.

St. Maria (feast day September 14) always kept a pot of stew on the fireplace in their humble rural dwelling. She knew that her husband Isidore would often bring home anyone who was hungry. One day he brought home many hungry people. After she served several of them, Maria told him that there simply was no more stew in the pot. He insisted that she check the pot one more time, and she was able to spoon out enough stew to feed everyone.

The virtues found in the lives of Isidore and Maria – commitment to family, love for the land, service to the poor and a deep spirituality – are qualities that still can be found in rural America. “We thank God for our rural lives, formed still be the rhythms of nature and church. With you, help us to rejoice in the relationships with God and each other. Isidore and Maria, pray for us. Amen.”


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