CRL Chapters - Updated - Catholic Rural Life

CRL Chapters – Updated

What is a Chapter?

CRL Chapters are groups of CRL members who build, celebrate, and promote rural Catholic life in their local area. These chapters are the representatives of Catholic Rural Life to their communities. They share in the CRL vision of flourishing Catholic life in rural America through thriving families, farms, and parishes – centered on faith, community and care of creation. 

A Catholic Rural Life Chapter is a group of individuals committed to upholding and supporting rural Catholic culture. A CRL Chapter is a part of a family of chapters around the country. With both the national CRL office and the local diocese behind them, they maintain with firm and unbending conviction that genuine rural culture is a priceless and utterly essential bulwark of a healthy, flourishing, community. A CRL Chapter seeks to foster and celebrate rural Catholic culture in their local area.

There are local chapters of Catholic Rural Life throughout the United States. These chapters put on events and work in the local community with both CRL members and non-members to further our shared mission.

See the information below to learn if there is a chapter in your area. The chapters are listed in alphabetical order by state and diocese.


CRL Springfield
Diocese of Springfield, Illinois
Office of Pro-Life Activities and Special Ministries
Donna Moore


CRL Davenport
Diocese of Davenport, Iowa
Social Action Department
Deacon Dan Freeman, Kent Ferris

CRL Des Moines
Diocese of Des Moines, Iowa
Social Justice Consortium, Rural Life
Deacon Luke Tieskoetter
Visit their website


CRL Kansas State
St. Isidore’s Catholic Student Center
Elizabeth Wright, Rev. Gale Hammerschmidt

CRL Salina
Diocese of Salina, Kansas
Rural Life Commission
Art Befort, Rev. Richard Daise, Rev. Brian Lager
Visit their website


CRL Owensboro
Diocese of Owensboro, Kentucky
Social Concerns Office
Deacon Richard Murphy, Billy Bray
Visit their website


CRL Maine
Diocese of Portland, Maine
St. Joseph and St. Rosa of Lima Parish
Rev. Paul Dumais, Max Becher
Visit their website


CRL Saginaw
Diocese of Saginaw, Michigan
Rev. Stephen Blaxton


CRL St. Cloud
Diocese of St. Cloud, Minnesota
Catholic Charities, Office for Social Concerns
JoAnn Braegelman (East), Barb Ryan (West)
Visit their website

CRL Winona-Rochester
Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota
Rev. Rick Colletti, Isaac Landsteiner


CRL Jefferson City
Diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri
LeAnn Korsmeyer and Rev. Matthew Flatley


CRL Grand Island
Diocese of Grand Island, Nebraska
Rev. Bryan Ernest

CRL Lincoln
Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska
Rural Life Conference
Rev. Brian Wirth

New Jersey

CRL Metuchen
Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey
Catholic Rural Life Ministry Office
Rev. Michael Saharic
Visit their website

New York

CRL Mt. Carmel
National Shrine of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Rev. Nicolas Blackwell, O.Carm, Carol Bezak

North Carolina

CRL Raleigh
Diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina
Dcn Arthur Powers, Dcn. Joshua Klickman

North Dakota

CRL Fargo
Diocese of Fargo, North Dakota
Office of Liturgy
Rev. Matthew Kraemer
Visit their website


CRL Cincinnati
Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio (North District)
Catholic Social Action Office

Sarah Seligman
Visit their website

CRL St. Martin Deanery
Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio
Catholic Social Action
Pat Hornschemeier, Sr. Christine Pratt
Visit their website

CRL Columbus
Diocese of Columbus, Ohio
Catholic Charities, Office for Social Concerns
Jerry Freewalt
Visit their website


CRL Mt. Angel Abbey
St. Benedict, Oregon
Br. Anselm Flores, Abbot Peter Eberle

CRL Portland, Oregon
Diocese of Portland, Oregon


CRL Greensburg
Diocese of Greensburg, PA
Dr. Lucas Briola

South Dakota

CRL Sioux Falls
Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Rev. Timothy Smith


CRL Amarillo
Diocese of Amarillo, Texas
Rural Life Committee
Rev. Jim Schmitmeyer, Morgan Gerlach

CRL San Angelo
Diocese of San Angelo, Texas
Rural Life Committee
Deacon Charlie Evans, Deacon Floyd and Martha Schwartz

CRL Victoria
Diocese of Victoria, Texas
Catholic Rural Life Committee
Rev. Stephen Vacek, Deacon Larry Hoelscher
Visit their website


CRL Green Bay
Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin
Rural Life Ministry
Lori Paul
Visit their website

CRL La Crosse
Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin
Catholic Rural Life Committee
Deacon Bob Zietlow
Visit their website

CRL Madison
Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin
Catholic Rural Life Committee
Tom Nelson and Fr. Bernie Rott

Don’t see your community represented? Find out more about the background and how to start a CRL chapter here and contact us at
If we have inadvertently missed your community in the list below, please let us know at

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