CRL honors long time employee - Catholic Rural Life

CRL honors long time employee

Catholic Rural Life • July 16, 2014

CRL honors long time employee

Darlene Limoges worked as the organization’s book-keeper for 20 years

In the midst of closing the organization’s office in Des Moines during last week’s big move to St. Paul, the CRL staff took the time to honor an individual who’s been a key part of the non-profit’s work over the past two decades.

Darlene Limoges, CRL’s book-keeper and mailing coordinator since 1994, was recognized for her dedication and commitment at a special dinner this past Tuesday. Executive director Jim Ennis presented her with a lifetime achievement award, recognizing her work and praising her for her invaluable contributions to CRL’s mission.

“Darlene has been an extremely loyal and faithful employee for CRL,” he said, noting that Darlene’s tenure at CRL may very well have been the longest of anyone in the organization’s 90 year history. “She was the mortar that held the organization together through many changes over the years. We have deeply appreciated her commitment to rural communities and applying the Church’s teachings to the countryside.”

Other staff members had similar sentiments.

“She was the first point of contact for most folks who wanted to get to know our organization,” said Beth Hyser, CRL’s programs coordinator. Hyser also highlighted Darlene’s flexibility and willingness to do whatever was needed for the organization, and described her as the CRL “mom.”

“She filled a number of roles over the years, and has really seen the organization from a number of different angles over the years.”

Hyser said one of the most important roles Darlene played was to serve as the organization’s “memory.”

“Darlene knew so many contacts, so many members, and was intimately aware of so many of the great stories CRL’s been involved with over the years,” she said. “She had a wisdom and a big picture view that always helped the organization stay true to its roots.”

CRL thanks Darlene for her years of service, and hopes the relocation St. Paul will allow the organization to advance the mission that she dedicated herself to for the past 20 years.



Christopher Dodson | Thursday, July 17, 2014

Darlene was invaluable during my tenure on the board of the NCRLC. Thank you for all you have done for NCRLC, now CRL, and the church for all these years.

Brother of Holy Cross David Andrews, CSC | Thursday, July 17, 2014

Darlene deserves every accolade. She has indeed been a stalwart staff person and the glue holding CRL together and knowing everybody.

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