Catholic Social Ministry Gathering 2019 - Catholic Rural Life

Catholic Social Ministry Gathering 2019

February 2, 2019 - February 5, 2019


“Let Justice Flow (cf. Am. 5:24): A Call to Restore and Reconcile”

Register Now for the 2019 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering!
February 2-5, 2019 Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC

Don’t miss this transformative annual gathering for leaders in Catholic social ministry and advocacy! Connect with current and emerging leaders working to bring justice to their communities. Dynamic and thought-provoking plenary presentations, briefings, and workshops will awaken you to how we as a Church are called to dialogue and respond to pressing domestic and international concerns such as racism, inequality, political polarization, and difficult issues facing the Church. Then, raise your voice in advocacy with members of Congress.

Act now to be part of our special initiatives developing diverse leaders and young leaders in Catholic social ministry. Join the discussion and be part of the solution!

To register or for more information visit

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