This section begins with the telling of a Church dignitary speaking before an international body of government representatives. That scenario is meant to set up the Study Questions listed on pages 31-32 of the Study Guide. The questions are meant to be considered in the context of what the group learned in both Part I (Observe) and Part II (Discern). In other words, answer these questions in the light of Church teachings.
As group leader, take particular note of the question raised by the Church dignitary in the third paragraph on page 30, which in essence asks: How can rich nations always find a way to help themselves, but are unable to meet the needs of the poor and destitute? This is an important question to ask the group from a faith perspective. The Study Questions (pages 31-32) will further serve to link Church and Gospel teachings with our actions in the world today.
Discussion Format: Break into small groups; each group take one question to discuss for a few minutes. Come back to the full group and share responses.
Beginning on page 33 of the study guide, participants will be asked to consider specific Actions to Fight Hunger and Injustice. Ask them to write down at least one action they will take; they can write down as many of the nine as they like. Invite them to share this with a fellow participant, and vice versa; they should briefly explain to each other why they chose the actions they did.
Helpful Hint: See if there are common actions that many are committing to take. If so, perhaps they can form a group and work together.
Approx. Time: 30 minutes
For Advocacy Actions (p. 35), it will be extremely helpful to provide additional information or materials in order for participants to carry out the proposed actions.
To this end, CRL has produced two sets of handy materials that concisely articulate the issues surroundingFood & Justice and the Ethics of Eating. A set of these cards may have come along with this Leader’s Guide; you may want to order additional sets to distribute to group participants (coming soon!).
The information on these cards provide details about “voting with your fork” and making ethical food choices for the good of community and the care of creation. These cards also provide the language that would work well in an op-ed article, a letter to the editor, or a message to elected officials.
But for much more to say or write, take the time to review What the U.S. Government Should Do. The list of six points on p. 36 of the Study Guide provides the key provisions for changes to our federal policy on food security. These points can be copied verbatim into a letter to an elected official.
For Reforms to International Assistance Programs (pages 37-39), this may be too policy oriented for some groups to fully handle. Feel free to leave this part of the discussion for another time or opportunity. But for those in the group that want to tackle these complicated issues, this information is worth reviewing and, if possible, using in an op-ed article.
Regardless of how you set up this part of the study discussion, be sure to end on What will you do to make a difference? (p. 39). By having participants write down what they intend to do, and then share that with others, makes it much more likely that they will carry forward with their commitment to confront poverty and hunger.
Approx. Time: 20 minutes