“A Catholic Stewardship of the Environment – A Renewed Vision” – by Jim Ennis
A Commentary
In August 2011, National Catholic Rural Life Conference launched a pilot lay leadership-training program at a retreat center in rural South Dakota. The retreat center is situated on a knoll surrounded by acres and acres of corn, soybean, and alfalfa fields as far as the eye can see. In the evening there was a dramatic sunset amidst billowing clouds. A short while later the stars gradually appeared illuminating the immense dark sky. What beauty, what majesty! As I stood outside on that beautiful starry night, I was reminded of the passage in Psalm 19 where King David says,
The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge.
Nature often stirs us to ponder anew the age-old question, is there an intelligibility and purpose in this awesome creation? Clearly, when we look at neatly cultivated corn and soybean fields, and the bales of alfalfa lying picturesquely in the fields, we know there is an intelligence and order behind the well-managed lands. We may even ask ourselves the question, I wonder who farms this land, who cares for the livestock grazing on the hills, or who planted all the corn, soybeans, and alfalfa?
Mr John Modra | Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Particularly Like your Para 4 . Great that you focus on the needs of farmers who are at risk world wide of being considered sinners and not salt in their God given work . The most critical question for the whole Christian church is not about the personal responses ( because they have generally worked fairly well in our spaces) but the ignorant and arrogant political responses to their work . If the earth was filled with faith filled farmers there would be no problem as people faithful to a “caring for all creation imperative “will strive to adjust to genuine degradation threats .Identification of risk is a site thing so ALL farmers need the protection of someone who knows and cares for their territory –as much a they do . A production ecologist . The whole church needs to resist broad risk assessment and solutions developed away from the site ( too political ) .Give farmers a friend who tells it like it is and keeps them safe from the dangers of those who will tell it ( working with nature involves some risk) to anyone and the press in particular . Support http://productionecologists.blogspot.com