CCHD Funding Policies and Timeline
1. Applicant organizations should carefully review CCHD’s criteria and guidelines for Community Development or Economic Development. Also, CCHD recommends you view the grant program description webinars.
2. Once the applicant organization is familiar with CCHD mission and criteria and guidelines, CCHD strongly encourages applicants to contact and build a relationship with the local CCHD Diocesan Director(s) in the diocese(s) where the applicant’s activities are located.
3. After the applicant organization has been in touch with the local CCHD diocesan director, applicant organizations may contact the CCHD Grants Specialist overseeing the region in which the applicant works if the applicant has additional questions.
1. The first official step of the funding process is submitting a Pre-Application. CCHD uses the Pre-Application to determine the funding eligibility of a potential applicant organization. Pre-Applications for the 2013-2014 grant year will be made available on September 1, 2012.CCHD Grants: You will need to select either the Community Development or Economic Development headings. Next, select Pre-Application from the topics list and that will lead you to the on-line application process. You will be asked to create an account and will need your organization’s Employment Identification Number.
2. There are two Pre-Applications: one for Community Development grants, and another for Economic Development grants. We strongly recommend you read all criteria and guidelines outlined in the Economic Development grant page and the Community Development grant page before submitting a pre-application.
3. All new applicants are required to submit a Pre-Application for the grant they wish to apply for. “New Applicants” are organizations that wish to apply for a Community Development or Economic Development grant, and did not receive a grant during the lastgrant cycle.
4. Depending on the results of the pre-application, the applicant will be invited to submit a full application or will receive a declination letter.
1. Once the applicant has submitted a complete application, national staff and local diocesan staff will review the application.
2. Diocesan staff will conduct a site visit.
3. Both national and diocesan staff will write up their reviews and have a dialogue to come to agreement on a recommendation to the USCCB’s CCHD Subcommittee.
4. Groups will be notifies of a final funding decision in the summer of the following year. CCHD national grant awards range from $25,000 to $75,000. A grant award may be less than the amount requested. A more detailed description of the grant review process can be found here. If eligible, organizations that received 2012 Community Development or Economic Development Grant will have an opportunity to reapply while filling out their 2012-2013 Interim Report.