stewardship Archives - Catholic Rural Life



A Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe

by Catholic Rural Life


A Prayer to Simon Of Cyrene

by Catholic Rural Life


Prayers for All Saints and All Souls

by Catholic Rural Life

Ethical Food and Agriculture

“Catholic Environmentalism”

by Catholic Rural Life

Stewardship of Creation

Ten Commandments for the Environment

by Catholic Rural Life

Ethical Food and Agriculture

Growing French Fries

by Karin Clemens Costa

Stewardship of Creation

Earth Day 2021

by Catholic Rural Life

Stewardship of Creation

From the Archives: Mary’s Gardens (Part 2)

by Dana C. Jennings

Stewardship of Creation

World Water Day 2021

by Catholic Rural Life

Stewardship of Creation

From the Archives: Mary’s Gardens (Part 1)

by Dana C. Jennings


Ash Wednesday Reflection

by Fr. Larry Snyder

Rural Outreach and Ministry

Hillside Castle

by Sandy Anderson