Thriving in Rural Ministry - Catholic Rural Life

Thriving in Rural Ministry

Thriving in Rural Ministry is CRL’s program for clergy formation and spiritual renewal in rural ministry.  It is specifically crafted to provide clergy with a renewed spiritual vision, share best practices, leadership development, an expanded understanding of integral ecology, and fraternity with other clergy serving rural communities.

The program takes place through in-person retreats, workshops, and conferences around the country. The program also includes virtual follow-up sessions for retreat alumni, webinars, resources, workshops, and convocations for others outside of the retreat. Clergy who have participated in the program have access to a web portal, containing past presentations, videos, and resources about rural ministry.


Priest Only Retreat

Buffalo, Minnesota

June 23rd – June 27th, 2025

Deacon Only Retreat

Information Coming Soon

Why focus on rural?

Rural ministry takes a unique approach to be successful. There is a need for an approach tailored specifically to rural parishes. Catholic Rural Life has spoken with hundreds of rural pastors and has responded to their increasing challenges of covering multiple parishes over long distances, the feelings of isolation, and the difficulties of responding to the specific needs of their rural communities.  

Thriving in Rural Ministry has been specifically designed to respond to the needs of rural ministry and build a network of clergy across the country who can encourage, sharpen, and help one another.

What does a retreat consist of?

Each retreat will include:
– Individual and communal prayer
– Best practices shared among other priests serving in rural ministry
– Presentations and workshops on known rural challenges and key priestly responsibilities
– Fraternity with other priests serving rural communities
– Celebration of the sacraments

Retreats are four nights and five days and are hosted in a relaxing, retreat environment with up to 24 priests who either serve in a rural parish or anticipate doing so. Participants are of various tenures and ages and will represent dioceses across the country.

After the retreat, all participants will be invited to meet virtually throughout the year via video conference to discuss specific, ongoing issues particular to their rural ministry. The virtual meetings continue the conversations begun on the retreat around best practices, pastoral leadership, and CRL’s vision for rural ministry.


Frequently Asked Questions

Thriving in Rural Ministry is a continuing formation program for Catholic clergy who are serving in rural ministry. There are multiple ways for clergy to participate in the Thriving in Rural Ministry program, either in-person or online. Priests and deacons can attend a 5-day in-person retreat or invite CRL to present a workshop or during diocesan education days. Clergy can also join the online sessions, which take place nearly every month, or sign up to access the Thriving in Rural Ministry portal on the website and view past online sessions, rural blessings and liturgy guides, and much more. The Rural Ministry Monthly email is open to everyone and goes out the first week of each month.

The retreats are offered only for Catholic priests and deacons, in good standing, who are currently serving in rural ministry or anticipate doing so soon.

Thriving in Rural Ministry is centered around 5 pillars: Spiritual Renewal, Best Practices in Rural Ministry, Integral Ecology, Leadership Development, and Clergy Fraternity. These pillars form the curriculum of Thriving in Rural Ministry and are covered holistically on the retreat, while other formats may focus on just one or two of the pillars.

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