Pope urges a reevaluation of agriculture
(Article first appeared on Zenit News, Nov. 14, 2010)
VATICAN CITY, NOV. 14, 2010 (Zenit.org).- The time is now to launch a reevaluation of agriculture, and place the sector back into its rightful place in the global economy, says Benedict XVI.
The Pope reflected on the situation of modern agriculture today before praying the midday Angelus together with those gathered in St. Peter’s Square, which coincided with Thanksgiving Day in Italy.
“The current economic crisis,” the Holy Father began, “must be taken in all its seriousness: It has numerous causes and sends a powerful message about the need for a profound revision of the model of global economic development.”
And one area that needs revision and “a strategic re-launching,” he added, is agriculture.
“I believe that this is the moment for the reevaluation of agriculture, not in a nostalgic sense, but as an indispensable resource for the future,” the Pontiff affirmed.
Benedict XVI lamented that even during the current global economic crisis, in certain industrialized countries, “lifestyles marked by unsustainable consumption — which have damaging effects for the environment and the poor — still continue.”
Climate Change Ambassador USCCB Jim Couts | Saturday, December 04, 2010
This is wonderful! Pope Benedict is known here as “The Green Pope.” Thank God we have him! One thing, while we need to reevaluate agriculture “not in a nostalgic sense,” it is very important to evaluate the environmental impact of shipping food hundreds, even thousands of miles. The more localized the source of food, the less the carbon footprint while providing more nutritional food.