World Water Day 2022 - Catholic Rural Life

World Water Day 2022

Catholic Rural Life • March 18, 2022

Stewardship of Creation

March 22, 2022 is World Water Day, an annual occurrence to raise awareness about water issues and ensure access to clean and abundant water for everyone. This year’s theme is Groundwater – Making the invisible visible.

  • “Groundwater is invisible, but its impact is visible everywhere. Out of sight, under our feet, groundwater is a hidden treasure that enriches our lives. In the driest parts of the world, it may be the only water people have.
    Almost all of the liquid freshwater in the world is groundwater, supporting drinking water supplies, sanitation systems, farming, industry and ecosystems. In many places, human activities over-use and pollute groundwater. In other places, we simply do not know how much water is down there.
    Groundwater will play a critical role in adapting to climate change. We need to work together to sustainably manage this precious resource.
  • What is groundwater?
    Groundwater is water found underground in aquifers, which are geological formations of rocks, sands and gravels that can hold water.
  • Why should we care about groundwater?
    Groundwater is being over-used in many areas, where more water is abstracted from aquifers than is recharged by rain and snow.
    Groundwater pollution is a particular problem that can take decades or even centuries to recover from.
    In some places, we do not know how much groundwater lies beneath our feet, which means we could be failing to harness a potentially vital water resource.
    Exploring, protecting and sustainably using groundwater will be central to surviving and adapting to climate change and meeting the needs of a growing population.
  • What can we do about groundwater?
    We must protect groundwater from pollution and use it sustainably, balancing the needs of people and the planet. Groundwater’s vital role in water and sanitation systems, agriculture, industry, ecosystems and climate change adaptation must be reflected in sustainable development policymaking.”

U.N. World Water Day

To learn more or participate in conversations about World Water Day, click here.

The Blessing of Water

from the Catholic Rural Life Prayer Book

Our help is in the name of the Lord,
Who has made heaven and earth.
O God, for the salvation of mankind You have built Your greatest sacraments on this substance of water.
Give a kindly hearing to our prayers, and pour out the power of Your blessing on this element,
now prepared for our many kinds of purifications.
Grant that this, Your creature, may receive power by divine grace, in serving Your mysteries, to drive away evil spirits, and dispel diseases.
Grant that everything in the homes or other buildings of the faithful that is sprinkled with this water may be freed of all uncleanness, and be freed from harm. Let no harmful spirit abide here, nor breath of corruption approach,
and may all the snares of our hidden enemy vanish.
If there be anything which threatens either the health or the peace of those living there, may the sprinkling of this water put it to flight.
Grant that the well-being sought by calling on Your holy name may be defended from all attacks, through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

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