On May 15, we celebrate the Feast of St. Isidore the Farmer. In February 1947, St. Isidore was constituted as the special protector of American farmers and of Catholic Rural Life
Each year we join with hundreds across the country and pray a novena in his honor, beginning on May 7 and finishing on his feast, May 15. This year we dedicated the novena to the economic and spiritual renewal of rural communities across the country as well as his intercession for Catholic Rural Life — that all our efforts would be blessed and multiplied.
It was said that two angels appeared and joined St. Isidore in his daily work plowing the fields. There are over 400 miracles attributed to his intercession. Have you ever experienced an answered prayer as a result of his intercession? What did you or your community do to celebrate his feast day? Did St. Isidore answer your prayers through this novena?
Send your stories to info@CatholicRuralLife.org.