NCRLC changes name to Catholic Rural Life (CRL) - Catholic Rural Life

NCRLC changes name to Catholic Rural Life (CRL)

Catholic Rural Life • November 13, 2013


NCRLC changes name to Catholic Rural Life (CRL)


Celebrating 90 Years of Ministry to Rural Communities

For our 90th anniversary, NCRLC is announcing celebratory events and a new name. NCRLC is altering its name to Catholic Rural Life.

“We are Catholic, we serve rural communities, and we address rural life concerns,” says James Ennis, executive director of Catholic Rural Life. “Catholic Rural Life has always been at the heart of who we are, so we are making the change to our name to reflect that reality. It is a subtle, but important change.”

Over the course of the 20th century, NCRLC has applied the teaching of Jesus Christ for the social, economic, and spiritual development of rural America, strengthening and sustaining Catholic life by developing and training leaders in rural communities.

Now into the 21st century, Catholic Rural Life continues our advocacy for fair farm policy, responsible stewardship of the land, care for the rural poor and disadvantaged, and ministry to rural parishes and laity.

We also continue to build our national network of Catholic rural leaders located in 105 dioceses around the country.

Special Events in 2014

Besides its new name, Catholic Rural Life is pleased to announce several important celebrations and meetings over the next year, including:

Catholic Social Ministry Gathering: Feb. 2-5, 2014 in Washington, DC.

In conjunction with this annual gathering of Catholic advocates, Catholic Rural Life will host a seminar on Sunday, Feb. 2, from 12 noon to 2:30 pm.

Catholic Rural Life Celebration: Oct. 3-4, 2014 in Des Moines, IA.

We are planning a two-day national conference for next October. Keynote speakers include: Most Rev. Robert N. Lynch, Bishop of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, FL, and Most Rev. Paul D. Etienne, Bishop of the Diocese of Cheyenne, WY.

Faith, Food, and Environment Symposium: Nov. 2014 in St. Paul, MN.

In joint partnership with the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, along with Farmers Union in the Upper Midwest, this symposium launches a series of events to inform a vocational guide for leaders involved in food and agriculture.


Catholic Rural Life will also be participating in parish & diocesan Rural Life events and Masses over the next 12 months. Return to our homepage throughout the coming months for updates on each of the celebratory events and additional scheduling information.

Attached File: CRL90thAnnivPressRelease.pdf

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